Welcome to International Buddhist Progress Society of Montreal
A spiritual and cultural hub for those interested in learning more about Buddhism and Chinese culture with members in Quebec
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Find Out What's Upcoming In the Temple Events
We miss having you at temple, but this doesn’t mean we can’t connect online. We hold Dharma Services every Sunday and have a variety of learning programs and events.
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IBPS of Montreal Library
We have a collection of nearly 2,000 items, including Buddhist and non-Buddhist books in Chinese, English, and French.
Browse our library catalog!
Recent Temple News

誰說站在光裡的才算英雄 滿地可歲末義工圍爐圓滿
「欲作佛門龍象,先做眾生馬牛。」1月14日,佛光山滿地可華嚴寺舉辦「2022年歲末義工圍爐晚會」,邀請到近130位義工回道場吃團年飯。僧信二眾歡聚一堂,食輪轉法輪亦轉。住持覺凡法師在晚會結束時,以星雲大師的〈為義工祈願文〉帶領大眾迴向,將大家的道心再次凝聚提升,為新一年的弘法充上滿格電。 。

廣結善緣 滿地可法寶節施粥數量回升

變成更好的自己 滿地可三好冬令營圓滿
「希望大家不僅玩得快樂,還能學到一點改變一點。」利用新年前的假期,佛光山滿地可普門中文學校舉辦了「2022普門三好冬令營」。12月27日,在冬令營開營典禮上,佛光山滿地可華嚴寺如中法師在致詞中,如是期許營員們。 和以往一樣,這期的冬令營由滿地可佛光青年團承辦,但相較以往,這期有著自己鮮明的特點。
Worldwide Reach - Our Global Affiliations
Fo Guang Shan is a world wide Humanistic Buddhist institution, headquartered in Taiwan. Founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who has influenced Buddhist studies and practice throughout the five continents with over 300 temples around the world.
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In the Buddhist tradition, the making of an offering allows one to practice giving, to express gratitude and respect and to reflect upon the life sustaining law of interdependence.